Healing the Earth


 Areas of Focus

Freeing our Minds and Hearts: Civilization, Psychology, Mental Health, and Deep Ecology

Understanding Climate Collapse

Indigenous Solidarity on Turtle Island

Direct Action, Political Prisoner Support, and Understanding the Police State

Guelph: "A Hotbed of Radicalism"

Book Reviews


Ways We Can Work Together




Eric Squire from Six Nations

By now you have likely heard about people of the Six Nations community near Caledonia, Ontario, reclaiming their land from the furthering encroachment of suburbia, and on a larger scale, from colonialism. Eric is a member of the Six Nations community, and he was kind enough to make the drive to Guelph to share his perspective on things. He talks about their rights to land, their need to take a principled stand, Canada's role in colonialism and imperialism domestically and internationally, and the role non-native allies can play in supporting this historic struggle. I won't even begin to get into the details of the reclamation here, for the folks at Autonomy and Solidarity have created an excellent resource page with more interviews, articles, and pictures.

If you can, please consider going to the reclamation to lend support, whether you can offer supplies like water, food, gas, or money, or just to be there with them. Not only do they deeply appreciate it, it will likely be a profoundly transformative experience for you. As much as I like to avoid the use of superlatives, spending several nights with them has been perhaps the most revolutionary experience of my life. I've witnessed nothing like it in my short life, and I really hope you can make it out there as well.

Download 22:01  Recorded April 26, 2006