Healing the Earth


 Areas of Focus

Freeing our Minds and Hearts: Civilization, Psychology, Mental Health, and Deep Ecology

Understanding Climate Collapse

Indigenous Solidarity on Turtle Island

Direct Action, Political Prisoner Support, and Understanding the Police State

Guelph: "A Hotbed of Radicalism"

Book Reviews


Ways We Can Work Together




Danny Beaton

Danny Beaton is a Mohawk of the Turtle Clan, who's grandparents lived on Six Nations territory along the Grand River, where the current Six Nations reclamation is taking place. Danny is a writer, filmmaker, and a whole-heartedly committed speaker of truth. He has produced and directed five nationally broadcast films that feature indigenous spiritual elders voicing their concerns for the need of society to return to spiritual values and the protection of Mother Earth.

Danny's words are simple and profound, as wisdom often is. He talks of the need for all human beings to take responsibility as they breath polluted air, drink polluted water, and walk atop of the battered earth, to stand up for justice, to connect with the living planet, to give thanks for the gifts given to us, and to speak our truths. He also reads from a recent article he wrote for First Nations Drum, which he calls the best newspaper in Canada, on the Six Nations land reclamation.

Download 37:26 Recorded on the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2006